A study by Scranton University found that only 19% of individuals keep their resolutions, most are abandoned by mid-January. Cawley Commercial Real Estate gives 5 tips to help you build momentum and ensure this is your best year ever.
1.) Set Reasonable and Specific Goals
- Make it attainable and measurable
- Be selective and make a plan
- It’s better to move one thing forward a mile than ten things forward an inch
2.) List New Skills You’ll Need
- New skills will help move ahead with your career and aid with keeping up with the times
- Take note of what you’ll need to learn this year and develop a strategy for mastering these skills
3.) Make Course Corrections if Necessary
- Goals are not carved in stone. It’s okay to adjust your goals as you go
- If things aren’t going according to plan, ask for help
4.) Schedule Time for Yourself
- Schedule time on your calendar where you can get away and be free from distraction
5.) Balance Work and Play
- Our jobs and work take priority over many other things in our life, work is not going anywhere
- The greatest wealth you can build is discretionary time
Watch our Youtube video here: https://youtu.be/-FLldsiTw5w
The post How to Start the New Year Off Right first appeared on Cawley Commercial Real Estate .